If not you, then who?


Luke, from my front row seat

I have to admit that I have had some great professional opportunities in life. Actually, let me clarify that. In my professional life, I have had some great opportunities. Truthfully, I’m still looking for my great professional opportunity (my dream job).

So, then what the heck AM I talking about? Well, this past week, because of my job, I got to go a conference and listen (and talk) to a couple of really big names in my industry. Before I get to that, Let me rehash some of the great people I’ve been privy to hear live and in person. The bolded ones, I actually had a one-on-one conversation. (And I don’t mean just a meet and greet, and actual industry specific conversation)

  • Nolan Bushnell – Founder of Atari and Chuck E. Cheese
  • Aneesh Chopra – First CTO of the US
  • Aron Ralston – of 127 Hours fame
  • Andy Andrews –  Motivational Speaker
  • Chris Gardner – of Pursuit of Happyness fame
  • Dr. Michio Kaku – Futurist
  • Malcolm Gladwell – Writer
  • Dave Logan – Writer
  • Steve Uzzell – Photographer
  • Mark Allen – Triathelte

While you may not know all of the names above, trust me, they are all worth listening too. However, this past week, trumped them all. At least as far as getting to hear big names in my industry. In a single conference, I was honored to get to hear from:

These are the guys doing what I want to do. They are they guys that are preaching what I want to preach.

So what content does this blog post have besides saying “Ohhh, look at all the cool people I’ve been able to see!”? Well here it is. After listening to these guys talk, I know I need to take action. I have to stop saying I’m going to go out and preach the word of RWD, Mobile, Community, UX and customer service, I just have to go out and do it.

It’s one thing to sit in an audience and nod your head and agree with what the guy on stage is saying; it’s quite another to stand on stage and try to communicate your view onto others. If you have a viewpoint, a cause, a vision that you feel strongly about, you need to get up and become an evangelist for it. You have to stop letting others (or waiting for others) to take up your cause.

The down side is that you will meet resistance and counter thoughts, but don’t you run into that anyway? Don’t let that be an impediment to going out and communicating your message to the world.

So, I ask you. If not you? Then who will spread your ideas?

About dkragen
A self professed techie geek that is passionate about many varied things in life including my family, sports, reading, traveling and all things tech.

2 Responses to If not you, then who?

  1. Dave, it was truly a pleasure to have met you. I appreciate all your coverage of the show as well…your witty tweets were classic!

    • dkragen says:

      The pleasure was mine Scott. You really made me think and realize that the only way to get boundries and ideas pushed is to be the one that actually pushes them. I’m glad that I was able entertain you just a little bit with my take on humor 🙂

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