The Life Spark Ignition

Spark If you pay attention to the current themes that existing in both the movies and television shows these days, you probably have noticed a trend. Lately, there have been a great focus on zombies. We have movies about zombies, television shows about zombies, even Samsung has gotten in on this trend with a series of commercials about the unicorn zombie apocalypse. It’s all quite fun and cheeky.

I think a lot of people focus on this for the wrong reasons. They are focused on the gore factor. The horror factor. The struggle of the living to survive. All great ways to view the genre and it can bring enjoyment to the viewer.

However, I want to flip the table. Who looks at this from the viewpoint of the zombie? What is their motivation? What are they trying to accomplish? Some would simply say, “Braaaaaiiiiinnnnnnsssss” simple as that. And you know what? I think that is actually correct. But let’s think about this for a minute. What are our brains? They are the one organ in our body that makes each of us exactly who we are. From a medical standpoint, I think we have successfully been able to replace just about every single piece of our body, except for our brains.

It is unique and singular. I would argue that those 2-3 pounds of stuff in our skull IS who we are. So, back to the zombies, they are going for the one thing that makes a person, a person. Why? I would say its because they are no longer a person and are trying to reclaim that. They have lost who they were. They are looking to reclaim their SPARK.

So, lets bring this back into the real world. How many of us are “living zombies?” How many of us are just walking through life without a true goal. Without a reason for pushing forward? Without a need to progress? I think there are many. Probably many more that I’d care to realize. I think that you would agree that this is not a good way to walk through life. If you are a “living zombie” then you are looking for your equivalent of “Braaaaaaiiiiinnnnss.” You need to find your SPARK.

Brains can come in many forms. For some of you it will be family, for some it will be a career, for some a hobby, or any number of other things. What is it in general? It’s YOUR spark,it’s the thing that will kick you in the butt to get going. It makes you stand back up after you’ve been knocked down. And it is unique to you.

I cannot tell you what your individual spark is going to be. But when you find it, you’ll know. Once you know, you must do everything you can to keep it alive and going. So, if you are a “living zombie” go find your spark. Get it ignited. Go chase life down, grab it and don’t let go. Remember what they say in all those zombie movies…. They are relentless, they don’t quit, they just keep coming ad coming. Be like a zombie in your pursuit of your spark and life.

Have I lost my Brains? Leave me a comment and let me know.