I will NEVER do this again.



(image from blifaloo.com)

It is day 26 of my 30 blog posts in 30 days personal, self-inflicted challenge. How has it been for you? I can’t say that it has been all peaches and crème for me, but on the whole it’s been pretty good. Why am I pointing this out today instead of day 30? Am I quitting? Have I had enough?

No, I fully plan on pumping out 4 more posts after this. So why do I bring it up? Well, it’s because I was asked a question earlier today that prompted me to write about absolutes.

WTH? Where did absolutes come from you ask? I was asked if I would ever do a challenge like this again. My response? “I have no idea. Ever is a long time.” You see, I dislike questions and statements that have absolutes in them.

“Are they the best team EVER?”
“I ALWAYS watch Monday Night Football.”
“I NEVER speed.”

You understand what I am saying? Yes, I understand what people mean when they use these absolute words, but they still bug me. Yes, I am guilty too. I cannot say that I NEVER use the word ALWAYS. Maybe I’m just getting crankier in my old age, maybe I’m really running out of things to write about, I don’t know. It just really got to me this morning when someone wanted an honest to goodness answer about the rest of my life and didn’t like my “I don’t know” answer.

I wish I could say that I would NEVER bring the subject back up with them, but even that is something I know I cannot commit to. So, where in your life do these words apply?

“I will ALWAYS tell the truth?” – Hopefully, but we all know white lies are told.
“I would NEVER rob a bank?” – Not willingly, but there are stories of people being forced into it.
“I will ALWAYS comment on a blog post I found interesting?” – C’mon, prove this one true.

If for no other reason than it’s sometimes fun to see what people say without really thinking about it, listen for these absolute words today and have some fun with it. Hold someone to their word.

Leave me a comment and let me know when and where these words actually apply and are enforceable! Do you use them correctly? Or do you also use them just time imply a preference?

Yes, one of my shorter posts. I promise. I will NEVER write a blog post shorter than this. (Of course, there is great chance that I just might)